The Beat

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lion King & Backstreet boys are back ALRIGHT!

This morning #mufasa & #Backstreetboys were trending this morning and it got me thinking...what the heck do they say at the beginning of "Circle of Life" ... my friend thought it said : "I'm from Pennsylvaniaaaa and I  eat tootsi rolls" lol

I thought it was something like this: yaaaaa-meensss-mamaheeatsemmahavaaa set a booo when ya addee--aaaaay when ya aa 

This girl can sing looow! hit that note...

I instantly thought of Marissa ( ex co-host) when BSB was trending... and apparently my friend Kayla is seeing them in June for only $35 ... ooober jealous ...I need to get tix asap...however wiz is going to be LEGIT tonight!

everybooody yeah ehhh rock your bodaaayyy aaaa yeeeah yeah